PBA is a simple, rapid, easy-to-learn though highly effective method to manage emotionally challenging states of mind, whether temporary or chronic. The sequential activation of 5 acupressure points produces an energetic circuit in the body and an antidote energy will start flowing. This circuit can provide immediate relief from acute negative emotions and when applied regularly, prevent future emotional overreactions and treat deep seated destructive emotional states.

A PBA session is divided into two sections: The first section consists of realigning and restoring a person’s energetic balance with the use of the 5 point touch acupressure circuits. Thus an antidote energy to the disturbing energy will start to flow, allowing the restoration of the energetic balance. The person will regain a healthy energetic state and their capacity for self-regulation will be restored and the immune system strengthened. The second section concentrates on the identification and release of emotional blocks. This is done with the support of a PBA practitioner. Because of the good energetic state and the liberation of endorphins at brain level due to the first section, and by a special technique of analysing the pulse, blocks can be identified from within the emotional brain where they are stocked. The method used here is based upon the quantum properties of the data stocked within the brain. It is the result of more than 20 years of intensive research and of more than 40,000 case studies and clinical observations made by Doctor Delatte.

Emotional blocks are induced by forgotten or denied events that took place in our past, generally during childhood, they impact heavily on our behaviours. Blocks produce compulsive comportments that generate massive depletion of energetic resources as well as disharmony and disconnection from our profound identity, our natural state. They are responsible, though of course without our knowledge, for the repetitive behavioural patterns or failures that we generally perceive as personal flaws (lack of self-confidence, fear to be rejected or not be good enough, wounds to do with abandon etc.) They prevent us from blossoming to our full potential and being in harmony with our profound identity, our natural state.


What is important for you to know is that a block is not you. It is not part of your identity. It is an acquired conditioning pattern, you could say data or information or memory stocked in the brain, powerful enough to compel the individual to act and react in a way that is not in harmony with his nature. An imprint that has an impact on the way you feel and behave and your belief about yourself. It has an impact on feelings, behaviour and sensations. You lack confidence in yourself, there is something you cannot achieve no matter how hard you try or want to, the same situations keep repeating themselves.You feel ill at ease. You are in a state of incongruence with what you want. This is a sign there is an emotional block and that you are not in harmony with yourself. When we don’t feel well, we can be certain there is a block. If a lack of self confidence was part of my genetic package, then I would not be in pain. I would simply be in harmony with my nature. If I do hurt, it is because a block has been produced that is not me.


Thoughts are an energetic phenomenon, for example, we can usually sense when a person talking to us is angry even if they try to hide it. Or on the contrary, the happiness we feel emanating from a person who is happily in love is quite a different energy. When we load our mind with negativity we “lower” our voltage so to speak and find it difficult to face situations that present themselves. The more we load our minds with negativity the more we disturb the way our brain and body should work, till the moment when we switch to different energetic systems such as panic or depression. Thoughts are energy, when you have too many, your energetic system is overloaded and becomes blocked (much as a computer becomes overloaded with too much information at the same time.) PBA unblocks the energetic system and re-establishes it when it becomes disturbed by too much thought and emotion. Faulty functioning can be erased and we can bring our energetic system back to it’s normal state of balance.


Emotional/mental blocks are acquired conditioning patterns or concepts such as poor self esteem, which are powerful enough to compel the individual to act and react in a way that is not in harmony with his profound nature. As a consequence, you underestimate your abilities and make choices which are not “good” for you. The block is there, at an unconscious level and seizes all power from your will. It literally compels you to act, choose and live in a way that consciously you want to reject but cannot.

We can take the analogy of a switch on a train track that obliges the train to go left for example, rather than the desired direction of straight ahead. When the switch is removed, the train is free to travel in the desired direction without effort. The block is like the switch on the train track. It is the “switch” or barrier which is placed in the brain, which prevents the person from going in the direction they really want to go in. PBA is able to release these blocks.


Emotional blocks are created for the most part during early childhood, often by minimal events, because young children do not know how to relativise an event, something minor in an adults eyes can have a great impact and intensity for a child, who can feel overwhelmed emotionally and not be able to relativise these strong emotions. A child interprets an incident literally in the first degree, intensely, as he has no sense of relativisation which is the ability to consider things in context.

They can be words you hear that have impressed you, left imprints in your memory, that you accept as the reality of the world or of yourself, or they can be events felt with impact and intensity. Because of the way you perceive or live an event, a concept or conditioning is acquired, stocked in the emotional brain, forgotten, but it effects your behaviour, perceptions and sensations. Again, it is not the event itself but how we interpret it, how we live the situation, our impression or how we perceive it, the emotional intensity experienced, that creates the block.


How do we bring the block from the unconscious to the conscious mind so it can be eliminated? You don’t need to be conscious of the problem beforehand, the PBA practitioner detects the block using a special technique of analysing the pulse, and the good energetic state of the person created by the 5 point circuits which induced the liberation of endorphins within the brain. The verbalisation of the block by the practitioner brings it from the subconscious to the conscious thus allowing it to be evacuated gently from the emotional brain where it has been stocked. This gives a broader access to a large number of blocks which could otherwise easily escape attention.


The role of the practitioner is to support the person in liberating mental/emotional blocks that cause disturbance and prevent the person from blossoming to their full potential. Thanks to the 5 point circuits applied which acted as an antidote to energies that disturbed the person and consequently released endorphins at brain level; and thanks to a special technique of analysing the pulse that the practitioner has been trained in, blocks can be identified and brought from the unconscious to the conscious and verbalised, allowing them to be evacuated gently from the the emotional brain where they have been stocked. There is no need to look for reasons why, how or when the block was created as searching for details can prevent the block from being liberated, it is not a psychotherapy, knowing the cause is not important or necessary, it could have been a very minimal event that caused the block in the first place. PBA is able to release these blocks permanently in a gentle yet effective way. Faced with situations which so far seemed impossible to manage, the person reacts in a new stress-free way.